Trailblazer Times 11.11.19





Monday, 11.11.19                      Veterans Day Program

                                                     Reception for Honored guests 12:30 – 1:15 PM ; Program 1:30 PM,                                                                       Cafeteria

Mon – Fri, Nov 11-15                BBES Student Council Food Drive

Friday, 11.15.19                         Winter Wonderland Planning Meeting, 2:00 PM


Tuesday, 11.19.19                     Thanksgiving Lunch, Cafeteria,

                                                   Kg 10:50 am – 11:20 am

                                                   1st 11:15 am – 11:45 am

                                                   2nd 11:00 am – 11:30 am

                                                  3rd 11:55 am – 12:25 pm

                                                  4th 12:15 pm – 12:45 pm

                                                  5th 11:35 am – 12:05 pm

Wednesday, 11.20.19              All Campuses Early Release Day – Elementary 1:05 PM

Thursday, 11.21.19                   4th Grade Wax Museum

Monday 11.25 – Friday 11.29   Student/Staff Holiday – Thanksgiving Break

Tuesday, 12.10.19                      BBES PTA Meeting/4th Grade Program, 6:00 PM Cafeteria; Spirit Store will open at 5:30 PM

Thursday, 12.19.19                   Winter Wonderland Party Day – during Specials – More details to come.

Friday, 12.20.19                        Early Release 1:05 PM

 NEWS AND INFORMATION – Please click on links for all the details

 BBES Student Council Food Drive Flyer

 BBES PTA News and Information

BBES PTA will be having a planning meeting for the upcoming Winter Wonderland (Holiday Party Day) on Friday, November 15th at 2:00 PM

 BBES PTA November Newsletter

 Website -

BBES PTA Box Tops Information


Please do not move to the center lane in the afternoons until 2:55 pm.  Please leave this area open for parents and other visitors who must come in for business purposes. 

 If you are picking up your student from SACC, please remember do not go around back until 3:30 pm due to buses loading.  Be mindful to slow down while driving through the parking lot for safety of our teachers and families.